
We provide professional residential and commercial maintenance on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Our employees are continuously trained in proper maintenance techniques and take pride in keeping your garden looking its finest. Each week our crews leave a door hanger with the services performed so you stay informed about the care of your landscape. In addition, your maintenance supervisor will visit your garden on a regular basis to make sure it is in tip-top shape.

Lawn Care

We will mow, edge and use slow-release fertilizers seasonally to keep your lawn healthy and green.

Plant Health

Our crews use proper pruning techniques and balanced fertilizers to promote healthy growth and structure for your plantings.

Bed Grooming

Weekly hand weeding and grooming will keep your planting beds neat and provide a healthy growing environment for your garden.

General Maintenance

Our crews will keep your garden and yard looking tidy by removing leaves and debris.

Irrigation Management

We will monitor and adjust your irrigation system seasonally to ensure healthy plantings and water conservation.

Typical Maintenance Calendar